Home > A spending day.

A spending day.

April 9th, 2006 at 09:28 pm

I spent money today (hanging my head). I was so proud I resisted going recreational shopping today but then ended up having my car washed. It is in my budget so that wasn't so bad. I just was hoping this week to do it by hand.For me, it's just still to chilly out to do that.
I did end up taking my son to the emergency room early this morning with intense stomach pains. He had chicken at the prom so I thought it was food poisoning, but he had gall stones. We have good health insurance for which I am so thankful.

1 Responses to “A spending day.”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Hope he'll be okay! I have had gall bladder attacks - AY YI YI! Painful!
    I like getting my car washed too! With three messy kids, I consider a helpful must!

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